About Us
Learn more about your local Chamber
Our Mission
The mission of the Mammoth Lakes Chamber of Commerce is to foster a business environment that promotes business development, supports established businesses and encourages new businesses and investment in the Town of Mammoth Lakes.
As the primary business advocacy organization in Mammoth Lakes, we represent more than 290 businesses – everyone from the solo entrepreneur to the biggest employers and economic generators in the Mammoth Lakes area. An annual Chamber membership starts at just $289 for businesses – less than a dollar a day – ($174 for non-profit and Civic memberships) and has the potential to return much, much more in benefits to your business.
Meet Our Staff
The staff, led by the President & CEO, is responsible for the “means” of the organization. While keeping the Board informed of the actions of the Chamber, they are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the organization.

President & CEO
Brianna Goico
Phone: (760) 934-2712 ext. 1333
Email: bgoico@mammothlakeschamber.org

Membership Manager
Marcy Castro
Phone: (760) 934-2712 ext. 1315
Email: mcastro@mammothlakeschamber.org

Communications Manager
Gina van Hest
Phone: (760) 934-2712 ext. 1320
Email: gvanhest@mammothlakeschamber.org