Start my Business
All the resources you need for your Mammoth Lakes business in one place
We all moved to Mammoth Lakes for the lifestyle it offers, and we know the need for balance in your business and your life is paramount. We’ve worked with businesses of all sizes and industries to get them connected to the right people and resources in Mammoth Lakes to propel their business forward.
Step One
Come up with a business name & a business plan, then apply for a Business Tax Certificate, aka a business license, at the town's office. Get more information.
Step Two
Don't sign before you meet! Check with Town of Mammoth Lakes staff before you sign a lease or buy property. Zoning and town regulations aren't always clearly understood by landlords and realtors. Don't get trapped in a lease or purchase before you've confirmed with town staff that you can operate your specific business in that location.
Step Three
Meet with Chamber staff. We're keyed into the current business climate, business opportunities and what & who you need to know to set yourself up for success. Schedule a meeting with us today!
For resources on all the various Town, County and State permits you will need for your business, visit CalGold: Business Permits. This site, from the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), assists you in finding appropriate permit information for your business.
Everything you need to start your business in Mammoth Lakes
Any business operating within the Town of Mammoth Lakes is required to file for a Business Tax Certificate.
Find contact information for all the key players in Mammoth Lakes and get any questions you have answered.
Celebrate your accomplishments with the Chamber and the community with a celebratory ribbon cutting.