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Town of Mammoth Lakes Investment of TOT Revenues

June 15, 2023

Since FY17-18 the Town of Mammoth Lakes has invested over $50 Million in unallocated TOT (Transient Occupancy Tax) revenues to support the Mammoth Lakes Community. The following review focuses on larger items and does not include Town or partner-related personnel costs and ongoing operations or several smaller items. The information provided here is only for the use of TOT funds and does not include grants, non-general fund revenue, or other funding sources. The funds have either been expended or are being held for the purposes noted. A brief overview of the types of projects/programs/services funded is provided but are not exhaustive. The investment of revenue is broken down into three major categories: 

  1.  Housing Now! Initiatives 

  2.  Infrastructure/Equipment/Facilities 

  3.  Community Investment 


***Subject to revision – prepared 6-12-23 – Overview of TOT Investments FY-17-18 – FY22-23 – Not inclusive of all minor uses or personnel costs of Town & partners. Includes only Gen. Fund Allocation of unallocated TOT Revenues as noted. 

 Investment of TOT Revenues 

Investment of TOT Revenues - FY17-18 - FY22-23

Housing Now! Initiatives

Housing Now! Initiative
Housing Now! Initiative Graph

Parcel Phase 1 = 81 Units under construction; Phase 2 = 148 Units, Funding Application in for Phase 2.2 – 76 Units. 

MLH Partnership = 16 Units under construction/remodel; 11 Unit Project – pending funding 

Bridge Program = 6 Units purchased, 5 sold to “Missing Middle” Households; 1 to market summer 2023 

Town Employee Housing = 4 studios; 1 two-bedroom and 1, one-bedroom. 


Infrastructure:Equipment:Facilities Graph

Community Investment

Community Investment
Community Investment Graph

Expanded childcare at Parcel – $250,000 

New Childcare Facility on MLF Property $1,950,000 

Emergency Road Work: $570,000 

Emergency Infrastructure Work $480,000 

Increased snow removal contracts $400,000 

Emergency Housing Funding $100,000 (MLH) 

Emergency shoveling and snow removal 200,000 (MMCF) 

COVID – Business Assistance $875,000 

Grants for Housing Rental Assistance $580,000 

Community Emergency Shelter/Food - $295,000 

Community COVID Supplies – 250,000 

MLF and Various Facilities/Parks/PW/Vehicles/Equipment 

MLF and Various Facilities:Parks:PW:Vehicles:Equipment

***Subject to revision – prepared 6-12-23 – Overview of TOT Investments FY-17-18 – FY22-23 – Not inclusive of all minor uses or personnel costs of Town & partners. Includes only Gen. Fund Allocation of unallocated TOT Revenues as noted.

*Click above to view the original PDF document